AMPHI 26'35

Barry Guy Bass, Director
Agustí Fernández Piano
Maya Homburger Baroque violin on «Amphi»
Evan Parker Saxophone
Jürg Wickihalder Saxophone
Mats Gustafsson Saxophone, Fluteophone
Hans Koch Bass clarinet
Herb Robertson Trumpet
Johannes Bauer Trombone
Per Åke Holmlander Tuba
Paul Lytton Percussion
Raymond Strid Percussion

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Compositions by Barry Guy. Recorded by Charles Wienand, assisted
by Nicolas Noriller, at Sankt Johann in Tirol, March 10, 2013. Mixed
and mastered by Ferran Conangla. Cover art: Roman Signer.
Graphic design: Jonas Schoder. Liner notes: Barry Guy

Intakt CD 235

The French magazine "Jazzman" placed Barry Guy's first release of the New Orchestra among its records of the year ("a scalpel from the first second") and the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" called his composition "a masterpiece looking toward the future." Nine years after the successful debut album Inscape-Tableaux, and five years after the second recording Oort-Entropy Barry Guy and his New Orchestra present their third release with two compositions of Barry Guy: Amphi and Radio Rondo.
Barry Guy writes: «As always I try to structure the composition to place all the players in a creative dialogue with each other, carefully grading the tensions and releases in the music to take the listener on – Amphi may be termed as "chamber music" whilst Radio Rondo looks towards a more orchestral landscape. In some ways, the listener must also adjust their expectations since the expansiveness of the concert grand piano resonating within an obvious "big picture" as in Radio Rondo, differs markedly from the (no less resonant) more internalized musical gestures of the baroque violin in Amphi. Importantly, the musicians in the BGNO deliver improvisations of nuanced sensibility in response to two quite different compositional strategies.»

Neun Jahre nach dem erfolgreichen Debut-Album "Inscape-Tableaux" liegt das Barry Guy New Orchestra eine dritte Veröffentlichung mit zwei Kompositionen von Barry Guy vor: Amphi und Radio Rondo. Die erste CD wurde auf Anhieb ein Erfolg. Das französische Magazin «Jazzman» reihte sie unter die Platten des Jahres und die «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» nannte die Veröffentlichung ein «zukunftsweisendes Meisterwerk».
Sowohl «Amphi» als auch «Radio Rondo» stellen Solo-instrumente ins Zentrum des musikalischen Geschehens. Agustí Fernández am Piano und Maya Homburger an der Baroque Violine. Barry Guy schreibt: «Wie immer versuche ich in der Struktur der Komposition alle Musiker in einen kreativen Dialog miteinander zu bringen, dabei die Spannung und Auflösung in der Musik sorgsam überlegt abzustufen und den Hörer/die Hörerin so auf eine ereignisreiche Reise mitzunehmen.»


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Barry Guy, director / bass , Marilyn Crispell: piano
Evan Parker, sax , Mats Gustafsson, sax
Hans Koch, clarinet/sax , Johannes Bauer, trombone
Herb Robertson, trumpet , Per Ake Holmlander, tuba
Paul Lytton, percussion , Raymond Strid, percussion
Intakt CD 066


Barry Guy, director / bass , Agustí Fernández: piano
Evan Parker, sax , Mats Gustafsson, sax
Hans Koch, clarinet/sax , Johannes Bauer, trombone
Herb Robertson, trumpet , Per Ake Holmlander, tuba
Paul Lytton, percussion , Raymond Strid, percussion
Intakt CD 101



Barry Guy: all Intakt-CDs

Agustí Fernández: all Intakt-CDs

Maya Homburger: all Intakt-CDs

Evan Parker: all Intakt-CDs

Jürg Wickihalder: all Intakt-CDs

Mats Gustafsson: all Intakt-CDs

Hans Koch: all Intakt-CDs

Herb Robertson: all Intakt-CDs

Johannes Bauer: all Intakt-CDs

Per Åke Holmlander: all Intakt-CDs

Paul Lytton: all Intakt-CDs

Raymond Strid: all Intakt-CDs


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