Intakt CD 402 / 2023



A solo concert by the double bassist Joëlle Léandre is a happening, an event of the highest order. She is very much like a writer or poet who starts with a blank sheet of paper, bringing to life characters and places seemingly drawn from thin air. Of course, like the writer, Léandre's alchemy is born out of years of study, practice, and performance. From her roots in the south of France, she studied classical music before training and performing in the USA. She found her voice in contemporary music and the influence of John Cage and Giacinto Scelsi. Her peers became improvising musicians such as Derek Bailey, Barre Phillips, Anthony Braxton, Peter Kowald, and of course Irene Schweizer and Maggie Nicols in the trio Les Diaboliques. More recently, she can be heard in the excellent Tiger Trio with Myra Melford and Nicole Mitchell.

Mark Corroto, All About Jazz, Feb 21 2023 (EN)

Schalltrichter der Seele
										Solokonzerte zwingen zum
										genauen Zuhören. Bei Joëlle
										Léandre kein Problem, denn
										die 70-jährige Französin ist
										eine begnadete Geschichten-
										erzählerin, die sich sorgsam
										ihres Instruments annimmt,
										als sei es ein lebenswichti.
										ges Organ, das nicht ausset-
										zen darf. Gestrichen, gezupft
										und traktiert, wird ihr Kon-
										trabass damit zum Schall-
										richter ihrer Seele. Léandres
										Konzert vor Jahresfrist in
										Zürich liegt nun als Album
										vor: wuchtig, poetisch, urig

Frank von Niederhäusern, Kulturtipp Magazine, Switzerland (DE)

JOELLE LÉANDRE: Piano? Fast wäre ich darauf angesprungen, dass die Grande Dame des Improv-Bassspiels bei ihrem Zürich
										Concert (Intakt CD 402) als Spaß, den man sich mit 70 Jahren erlauben kann, ganz neue Saiten aufgezogen haben könnte. Aber
										Scherz beiseite, und das Léandre zugeschriebene Piano ist ein Scherz.

Rigobert Dittmann, Bad Alchemy Newsletter, Jan 2023 (DE)

The New York City Jazz Record, Recommended New Releases, March 2023 (EN)

The New York City Jazz Record, Recommended New Releases, March 2023 (EN)

“La contrebasse m’est tombée dans les mains à l’ âge de neuf ans” vertelt Joëlle Léandre, haar broer speelde destijds bas, dus de kleine zuster was begrijpelijk nieuwsgierig. Wat gebeurde er ? Zij nam lessen, iets wat toen niet zo eenvoudig was voor een vrouw in Aix-en-Provence in 1951. Maar de contrabas was vanaf het begin haar grote passie en als Joëlle iets in haar hoofd heeft, lukt het vaak ook. Ze studeerde klassieke bas in Parijs, speelde in orkesten en ensembles, maar ze raakte geïnteresseerd in jazz en een vrijere manier van spelen, een compleet andere manier van muzikaal communiceren.

Jan van Leersum, Roots Time, March 01 2023 (DE)

Hiroki Sugita, Jazz Japan Magazine, March 2023 (JP)

Hiroki Sugita, Jazz Japan Magazine, March 2023 (JP)

Ho un debole per il contrabbasso in solo: da 'Fluvine' di Ferdinando
			Grillo ai lavori di Barre Phillips, da Daniele Roccato al nuovo album di
			Mirco Ballabene.

Nazim Comunale, il Manifesto, April 2023 Italy (IT)

Il bello della musica contemporanea radicale è che può benissimo stare nel territorio jazz (ovviamente free e ultra free) e nel territorio sciaguratamente definito «dotto». Così la scomparsa dei territori delimitati, visti non come campi aperti per il vivere, sperimentare, sovvertire, godere ma come spazi chiusi dove l’oppressione è la sola nota dominante, diventa realtà pulsante.

Mario Gamba, ilmanifesto, March 25 2023 Italy (IT)

Andrew Cyrille, langjähriger Begleiter
			des Experimentalisten der Avant-
			garde, Cecil Taylor, ist durch seine
			über sechs Dekaden lange Karriere
			hinweg in Enigma geblieben. Enig-
			ma, weil er sich stets neuen Heraus-
			forderungen stellt, die sich entspre-
			chend der Wechselwirkung an sein
			Publikum übertragen. Herausforde-
			rungen, die über die Jahre in immer
			gleicher Quantität und
			gemeistert werden.

Pat Youngspiel, Concerto Magazine, April 2023 Austria (DE)

Sie ist eine der ganz Großen am
			Kontrabass. Das weiß noch
			besser, wer sie live gehört hat
			- und da am besten solo. Welch
			Expressionsbandbreite! Was
			Joëlle Léandre aus dem franzö.
			sischen Aix-en-Provence seit
			Jahrzehnten improvisatorisch
			leistet, ist eine Wegmarke, die
			zu überschreiten den wenigsten
			gelingen dürfte.

Gabriel Aniol, Jazz Podium Magazine, April 2023 (DE)

Zurich Concert is a solo recording by bassist Joëlle Léandre. Zurich Concert was recorded live on March 17, 2022, at Taktlos-Festival at Kunstraum Walcheturm, in Zürich, Switzerland, by Willy Strehler, and it will be released on February 20, 2023, by Intakt Records.

Paul, Best Of Jazz, February 12 2023 (EN)

Joëlle Léandre ist eine Musikerin, die in jeder Si-
								tuation auf ihrem Instrument etwas Vitals zu
								sagen hat. Wie sie den Bogen führt und die
								Klangspektren öffnet, wie sie kratzbürstig sich
								selber und andere herausfordert, wie sie auf-
								müpfen und explodieren, aber auch humorvoll
								und theatralisch performen kann, das ist untrüg-
								lich Joëlle Léandre.

Pirmin Bossart, Jazzthetik Magazine, April 2023 (DE)

Joëlle Léandre ist eine Musikerin, die in jeder Si-
								tuation auf ihrem Instrument etwas Vitals zu
								sagen hat. Wie sie den Bogen führt und die
								Klangspektren öffnet, wie sie kratzbürstig sich
								selber und andere herausfordert, wie sie auf-
								müpfen und explodieren, aber auch humorvoll
								und theatralisch performen kann, das ist untrüg-
								lich Joëlle Léandre.

Pirmin Bossart, Jazz N'More Magazine, April 2023 Switzerland (DE)

Now 71, French bassist Joëlle Léandre is a consummate improviser allying unrivalled facility to boundless imagination. Her early performances were in new music, but before long the allure of free improvisation unleashed her passion and creativity, with bassist Peter Kowald and guitarist Derek Bailey her lodestars. But Léandre has transcended genre in a lengthy career garlanded with accolades, the most recent being the receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Vision Festival in New York City. By this juncture she is unmistakable, readily identifiable by her authoritative tone, ecstatic and incantatory phrasing, rich color palette and unconstrained attitude to theatricality and humor.Now 71, French bassist Joëlle Léandre is a consummate improviser allying unrivalled facility to boundless imagination. Her early performances were in new music, but before long the allure of free improvisation unleashed her passion and creativity, with bassist Peter Kowald and guitarist Derek Bailey her lodestars. But Léandre has transcended genre in a lengthy career garlanded with accolades, the most recent being the receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Vision Festival in New York City. By this juncture she is unmistakable, readily identifiable by her authoritative tone, ecstatic and incantatory phrasing, rich color palette and unconstrained attitude to theatricality and humor.Now 71, French bassist Joëlle Léandre is a consummate improviser allying unrivalled facility to boundless imagination. Her early performances were in new music, but before long the allure of free improvisation unleashed her passion and creativity, with bassist Peter Kowald and guitarist Derek Bailey her lodestars. But Léandre has transcended genre in a lengthy career garlanded with accolades, the most recent being the receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Vision Festival in New York City. By this juncture she is unmistakable, readily identifiable by her authoritative tone, ecstatic and incantatory phrasing, rich color palette and unconstrained attitude to theatricality and humor.

Troy Collins, Point Of Departure, June 2023 (EN)

All alone onstage, or in the studio, the sounds that a bass can produce might feel familiar. The low rumbling open E (or the even lower C, if the instrument is equipped for that). The blend of the D and G strings together, created a heavy double-stop if an A is played on the latter string.

Shanleyonmusic, June 01 2023 (EN)

The grande dame grants listeners a glimpse into her world through five instant compositions ('Zurich Concert 1-5). She actively wields the bow in her well-known physical style. A few times she adds shamanic vocals. An incantatory listen. (Georges Tonla Briquet)

Jos Demol, Jazz'halo, June 2023 (EN)

Now 71, French bassist Joëlle Léandre (born September
								12, 1951) is a consummate improviser who allies unrivalled
								facility with boundless imagination.

Cover Story by John Sharpe, The New York City Jazz Record, June 08 2023 (EN)

Kort door de bocht:
								artiesten als loëlle
								Léandre herinneren
								je eraan dat ie een
								onderscheid kan
								maken tussen
								artiesten die goed
								zijn en zij die gedreven worden door het
								heilige vuur.

Guy Peters, Jazz N' Mo Magazine, June 2023 (BE)

À propos du livre de Jean-François Foucault, 'La valise de Jean Schwarz' (Le Lys Bleu Éditions - 2023).
								Souvenirs, souvenirs.

Thierry Giard, CultureJazz, Oct 05 2023 (FR)

Coming off her fabulous 2021 release At Souillac en Jazz, bassist Joëlle Léandre has delivered another entrancing solo release. Recorded live at Kunstraum Walcheturm at Zurich's Taktlos-Festival, Zurich Concert continues to push free improvisation into mystical realms that Léandre seems to conjure at will.

´Thierry Giard, CultureJazz, Oct 05 2023 (FR)

Joëlle Léandre seule à la basse. L’image est connue, et l’oreille croit savoir ce qu’elle va entendre, mais la récente lauréate du Life Achievement Award du Vision Festival a fait vœu depuis longtemps de nous surprendre, et ce Zürich Concert emprunte une voie que la contrebassiste ne nous avait pas montrée depuis longtemps. Sans doute est-ce l’envie qui nimbe ce concert capté en mars 2022 dans la ville suisse par Intakt Records. L’envie de jouer à nouveau après les confinements, l’envie de se livrer entière : sur ce disque, Joëlle Léandre ne donne pas de la voix, ou peu, hormis quelques babils intérieurs. Le mode de communication est l’archet, comme le ton est donné dès la première pièce, étonnamment courte : brûlant, urgent. On pense à Hasparren, le duo qu’elle avait proposé avec Daunik Lazro. Mais ici Joëlle est seule, intensément seule.

Franpi Barriaux, Citizenjazz, Oct 15 2023 (FR)

It certainly takes all the stoicism of the Swiss—whom we envy for all the anthological performances held in their country—to cordially applaud such a performance, but it’s an excellent choice for a recording, as any other place would certainly have seen the audience faint or go into endless standing ovations!

Paul Medrano, Best of 2023,, Nov 2023 (EN)

Europe Jazz Media Chart Top 5 2023

Europe Jazz Media Chart Top 5 2023, Jazz'halo, December 2023 (DE)

Hans-Jurgen Linke's Best of 2023

Hans-Jurgen Linke's Best of 2023, Jazzthetik Magazine, December 2023 (DE)

Along with live gigs and  composing, the French doyen of creative double bass music was busy recording during 2022. At least that’s the impression given by these distinguished sessions. In March she recorded one of her heavyweight solo extravaganzas in Zürich; in October she was in Geneva playing with French snare drummer Rodolphe Loubatière, who has also worked with other innovators like Bertrand Gauguet; then in December she gave a duo concert in Vienna with much younger Brazilian double bassist Vinicius Cajado, who has also worked with artist as different as Franz Hautzinger and Golnar Shahyar.

Ken Waxman, Jazz Word, March 06 2024 (EN)

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