Lucas Niggli ZOOM Ensemble.
Photo: Francesca Pfeffer
Der Schlagzeuger, Bandleader und Komponist Lucas Niggli führt für sein
sechsteiliges Werk «Sweat» die Jazzband BIG ZOOM und das ENSEMBLE FÜR
NEUE MUSIK ZÜRICH zusammen. Als Gast ist der Sänger Phil Minton dabei.
«SWEAT» ist eine Weiterführung und Erweiterung der beiden Workingbands
ZOOM und BIG ZOOM. Niggli spielt auf «Sweat» mit Traditionen aktueller
Musik, zitiert Klänge von Bigband, Free Jazz, Punk, moderner Kammermusik
und schafft so ein neues Ganzes. Schnitt und Montage prägen die Struktur.
Auf eine Folge von Cuts, Zooms und Spots folgen beeindruckende Improvisationen
von Nils Wogram, Claudio Puntin, Phil Minton oder Philipp Schaufelberger.
"Appropriate to a collaboration with a new music ensemble, many
of Niggli's pieces are suites. The lead-off track, for instance, is
an anthemic anti-nationalist suite (based on rhythmic relations between
3 and 7, if you're counting É) that's perfectly designed for Minton,
who is something of a specialist in Anti-Anthems, having sung wondrous
versions of the anarchist anthem in the past. On "Sweet Sweat" Niggli's
rock roots are showing Ð after Minton's alternately strangulated, surreal
and serene intro, the ghost of Zappa lurks somewhere nearby, in the
rock and jazz-rock outbursts. The drummer explains that the sweatiness
of the project was both positive - sweat of a good performance ("I love
intensity and energy, to create music under the biggest physical and
mental presence") Ð and also more troubling ("writing this whole program
was like having a disease, fever"). The sweats. Trying to come up with
something compelling, something right, something not trite. Sweat it
out. Niggli worked from the kit, creating material, singing parts over
the rhythms, then slowly developing it into arrangements and finally
these suites. "I like to write complex parts, but always give enough
freedom that all the musicians, especially the improvisors, can interpret
my music. Then it becomes a collective work! "
Phil Minton,
Philipp Schaufelberger: Photo: Francesca Pfeffer
Lucas Niggli,
Philipp Schaufelberger (git), Leo Bachmann (tuba). Photo: Francesca
Corbett. Liner Notes