Luciano Biondini Accordion
Michel Godard Tuba, Serpent, Bass
Lucas Niggli Drums

Intakt CD 185

Recorded at Powerplay Studio, March 19, 2010, and July 20, 2010,
by Jürg Peterhans and Reto Muggli. Mixed and mastered at
Studio Klangdach by Willy Strehler. Cover art: Alberto Ghinzani.
Graphic design: Jonas Schoder. Liner notes: Bert Noglik.
Photos: Thomas Radlwimmer

Intakt CD 185

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When Luciano Biondini, Michel Godard und Lucas Niggli play music together the borders between Early and New Music, between imaginary folk and jazz inspired improvisation blur. One can picture the virtual meeting point at the border triangle between Italy, France and Switzerland. That would be – and the image of the heights is not altogether out of place – on the peak of Mont Dolent, close to the Mont Blanc.

But still this game fences off any territorial and stylistic definition. Alpine as well as Mediterranean, delicately woven yet permeated with strong melodies driven by frequently complex rhythms that are strong and sensitive at the same time, the three create great arches – across the times, the emotional states of mind, regions and continents. Learning by heart and inventing go hand in hand, they tie together to one common breathing, they interlink to music of great airiness, turning their gathering into a feast vibrating with delight.

Bert Noglik, Liner Notes

Wenn Luciano Biondini, Michel Godard und Lucas Niggli gemeinsam musizieren, verschwimmen die Grenzen von Alter und Neuer Musik, von imaginärer Folklore und jazzinspirierter Improvisation. Das wäre – und das Bild von den Höhen erscheint gar nicht so unpassend – auf der Bergspitze des Mont Dolent, nahe dem Mont Blanc.

Alpenländisch und zugleich mediterran, filigran gewoben und durchzogen von starken Melodien, angetrieben von ebenso kräftigen wie sensiblen, dabei oft komplexen Rhythmen, entwerfen die drei große Bögen – über die Zeiten, die Gemütsverfassungen, die Regionen, die Kontinente. Memorieren und erfinden gehen Hand in Hand, verbinden sich zu einem gemeinsamen Atem, finden zu einer Musik von großer Leichtigkeit, gestalten die Zusammenkunft zu einem vor Freude vibrierenden Fest.

Bert Noglik, aus den Liner Notes




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