Barry Guy: Bass
Marilyn Crispell: Piano
Paul Lytton: Drums

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1. Scent 6:57
2. Fallen Angel 10:27
3. Sleeper 9:25
4. Blue Horizon 7:12
5. Return of Ulysses 4:21
6. Silenced Music 8:07
7. Dark Days 5:22

Compositions by Barry Guy (PRS/MCPS).
Recorded May 21, 2015, at Powerplay Studios, Maur, Switzerland, by Reto Muggli for Radio SRF 2 Kultur and Intakt Records.
Mixed and mastered by Ferran Conangla, Barcelona.
Cover art: Hughie O’Donoghue. Graphic design: Jonas Schoder. Liner notes: Barry Guy.
Produced and published by Intakt Records, Patrik Landolt.

Intakt CD 273


After the highly praised trio CDs, Odyssey and ITHAKA, the composer and bassist Barry Guy presents a new CD – Deep Memory – with the same trio members, pianist Marilyn Crispell and percussionist Paul Lytton. For his new compositions, Barry Guy was inspired by Irish painter Hughie O’ Donoghue – all titles on Deep Memory courtesy of the Irish painter Hughie O’ Donoghue’s Berlin exhibition (2007) entitled “Last Poems”. A music has emerged of a tense and lacerating beauty. Tonal painting contrasts with abstract reflection. Expressive moments stand next to elegant moods. Powerful improvisation goes up in lyrical intimacy.
Barry Guy writes in the linernotes: „Beyond the titles of Hughie O’ Donoghue’s paintings, the viewer becomes aware that he has a deep love for the act of applying paint to a canvas – an emotional act with an historical perspective. His complex layering of paint gives us rich colours and surface textures in the manner of Titian. I hope it would not be too fanciful to say that the music of the trio in a similar way engages with the tradition of the medium whilst exploring new avenues of expression for the inquisitive listener.“

Barry Guy, Paul Lytton

Marilyn Crispell

Nach den gefeierten Trio-CDs «Odyssey» und «ITHACA» legt der Komponist und Bassist Barry Guy mit der Pianistin Marilyn Crispell und dem Perkussionisten Paul Lytton eine neue CD vor: «Deep Memory». Wiederum von bildender Kunst angeregt, liess sich Barry Guy für seine vielschichtigen Kompositionen auf «Deep Memory» von der Malerei des Iren Hughie O’ Donoghue inspirieren. Alle Stücktitel tragen Namen von Werken des Malers. Entstanden ist eine zwischen filigraner Klangmalerei und abstrakter Reflexion oszillierende Musik von berückender Schönheit.
Elegische Stimmungen treffen auf expressive Momente und kraftvolle Improvisationen münden in lyrische Intimität. Barry Guy schreibt in den Liner Notes: „Beyond the titles of Hughie O’ Donoghue’s paintings, the viewer becomes aware that he has a deep love for the act of applying paint to a canvass – an emotional act with an historical perspective. His complex layering of paint gives us rich colours and surface textures in the manner of Titian. I hope it would not be too fanciful to say that the music of the trio in a similar way engages with the tradition of the medium whilst exploring new avenues of expression for the inquisitive listener.“



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International: VISA / MASTER: 30 SFr. plus 5 SFr. Postage
Order adress:Intakt Records, Postfach 468, 8024 Zürich, Fax: 0041-44-383 82 33

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