Intakt CD 418 / 2024



Ere Guitar (Intakt 418) hat einen Vorläufer in 'Err Guitar' (2017), ELLIOTT SHARPs gitar-ristischem Dreizack mit Mary Halvorson & Mark Ribot. Hier klingt er zusammen mit SALLY GATES, die, aus Neuseeland stammend, in New York mit dem Kilter-Drummer Kenny Grohowsky in Titan to Tachyons spielt, und mit TASHI DORJI, der, aus Bhutan stammend, in Asheville, NC ansässig, mit Manas, mit Dave Rempis in Kuzu, und in x improvisatorischen Konstellationen seine Kratzspuren hinterlassen hat. Harry Lachner nimmt sie mit einem erfreulichen Lebenszeichen exemparisch für eine durch gezielte Mehrdeutigkeit angestrebte Evokation des Unerhörten, in dem, schwindelerregend, die Pluralität des Gegenwärtigen einen treffenden Ausdruck findet. Sharp selber nannte es mal transcendent sonic path to the NOW.

Rigobert Dittmann, Bad Alchemy Newsletter, June 2024 (DE)

Ere Guitar (Intakt 418) hat einen Vorläufer in 'Err Guitar' (2017), ELLIOTT SHARPs gitar-ristischem Dreizack mit Mary Halvorson & Mark Ribot. Hier klingt er zusammen mit SALLY GATES, die, aus Neuseeland stammend, in New York mit dem Kilter-Drummer Kenny Grohowsky in Titan to Tachyons spielt, und mit TASHI DORJI, der, aus Bhutan stammend, in Asheville, NC ansässig, mit Manas, mit Dave Rempis in Kuzu, und in x improvisatorischen Konstellationen seine Kratzspuren hinterlassen hat. Harry Lachner nimmt sie mit einem erfreulichen Lebenszeichen exemparisch für eine durch gezielte Mehrdeutigkeit angestrebte Evokation des Unerhörten, in dem, schwindelerregend, die Pluralität des Gegenwärtigen einen treffenden Ausdruck findet. Sharp selber nannte es mal transcendent sonic path to the NOW.

The New York City Jazz Record, USA, June 2024 (EN)

This inter-generational guitar summit is a sequel to 2017's Err Guitar, where Downtown stalwart Elliott Sharp was joined by Mary Halvorson and Marc Ribot. Amped up and freely improvised, Ere Guitar is a different beast to its predecessor. Leader of jazz metal group Titan To Tachyons, Sally Gates is active in New York's improvised music community.
				Her abstracted shredding complements Sharp's processed tones and Tashi Dorji's punky gnarl.

Stewart Smith, The Wire Magazine UK, August 2024 (EN)

Elliot Sharp, varcata decisamente la soglia dei settant'anni, non solo non è diventato chitarrista-pompiere, ma nel dubbio ha fatto provvista di materiale infiammabile sonico.
		Nelle persone di Sally Gates, neozelandese guastatrice scelta delle sei corde elettriche, spesso con John Zorn, e Tashi Dorji, allievo di Derek Bailey, altro oltranzista sonoro, dal Bhutan (!). Metà di questo disco è pura, convulsa improvvisazione quasi materica, metà, a partire da Survey the
		Damage, undici minuti celestiali, è psichedelia pura e assoluta.

Guido Festinese, Alias / Il Manifesto, Italy, August 2 2024 (IT)

There is an art to arranging the guests at a dinner party or wedding reception. One wants to foster interesting conversations, sometimes between strangers, and create new friendships. The same can be said of Ere Guitar, a party organized by Downtown legend Elliott Sharp. The guitarist had previously released Err Guitar (Intakt, 2017) with his colleagues American guitarists Mary Halvorson and Marc Ribot. With this 2023 recording, Sharp invited New Zealand guitarist sally gates, who is a member of the experimental jazz-metal group Titan to Tachyons, and Bhutanese guitarist Tashi Dorji to record a collection of mostly improvised trio numbers.

Mark Corroto, All About Jazz, July 09 2024 (EN)

Kann sich noch jemand an das Album Guitar Oblique mit Elliott Sharp, Vernon Reid und David Torn aus guten alten Knitting-Factory-Zeiten erinnern? Oder an den mit Sharp, Marc Ribot und Mary Halvorson eingespielten Summit Err Guitar? Ere Guitar scheint, wenn auch nicht ganz so prominent besetzt, eine Art Fortsetzung dieser Gitarren-gipfel zu bilden. Gemeinsam mit der neuseeländischen Avant-Rock-Harpyie Sally Gates und dem bhutanesischen Experimentalkünstler Tashi Dorji entfesselt Sharp eine Gi-tarrenorgie, deren obertonrei-cher Glocken-Sound teilweise an die freien Improvisationen von Sonic Youth erinnert.

Wolf Kampmann, Jazzthetik Magazine, September 2024 (DE)

THE extraordinarily unified guitar sounds of US virtuoso Elliott Sharp, New Zealander Sally Gates and Tashi Dorji from Bhutan span the cosmos.

Morning Star Online, October 14, 2024 (EN)

In 2016, in the course of two days, guitarist Elliott Sharp recorded Err Guitar, on which he was joined by Mary Halvorson and Marc Ribot. They joined forces to create an album of astonishing beauty and boasting a remarkably broad array of sonic interactions. Six years later, on a single day in July, Sharp assembled another guitar trio but this time with Sally Gates and Tashi Dorji. While its title connotes a prequel of sorts, Ere Guitar is more like an updated manifesto, a more free-wheeling foray deep into the interstitial abstractions these three veteran musicians of disparate musical languages bring to every technologically enhanced gesture.

Marc Medwin, Point of departure, October 2024 (EN)

Il progetto prende il nome dal Mayfield Depot, una stazione abbandonata di Manchester dove il sestetto ha provato e scritto il disco, ispirato dal luogo stesso. Ampia la gamma dei timbri: dalle percussioni di Camille Emaille alle ance di Gianni Gebbia, dalle Ondes Martenot di Cécile Lartigau al piano preparato di Heiner Goebbels, con Nicolas Perrin a chitarra ed elettronica e Willi Bopp ad occuparsi del sound design. In uno studio creato da Luc Ferrari apposta per la musica elettroacustica i musicisti hanno improvvisato 95 (!) tracce, che poi Bopp ha selezionato e assemblato creando da queste un collage. Il risultato è un flusso ininterrotto suddiviso in sedici trac-ce: profondo, misterioso, denso, astratto e organico, sommesso e potente come un'elegia dopo una cata-

Nazim Comunale, Blow Up Magazine, Italy, Nov 2024 (IT)




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